psycological counseling for musicians dancers actors

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Victor Frankl

“Man, sometimes it takes you a long time to sound like yourself.”

Miles Davis

testimonials | partners | booking information

I offer psychological counseling and performance coaching to a wide range of clients, including musicians, dancers, artists, expats, and others. Some ways of working together are:

  • Resourcing: identifying external and internal resources to address challenging life situations

  • Cultivating the conditions that enable peak performances

  • Artistic Systemic Therapy: approaching psychological issues through artistic means

  • Identifying and overcoming psychological/artistic blockages

  • Career restructuring and transition

  • Navigating interpersonal challenges with colleagues, family, and friends

  • Exploring Integration into a foreign culture and society

  • Managing, taming, or even befriending performance anxiety

My work is informed by various psychological approaches, for example: systemic, cognitive-behavioral, and person-centered psychology, by my academic studies (MSc Psychology, Certificate in Musicians’ Health from UdK / Hans Eisler, Artistic Systems Therapist training), and by my life experience as a former professional musician.

Psychological counseling is available in my center: The Green Room in Cologne, Germany. These sessions can also be conducted online.

Lectures, Workshops, Residencies:


"In the beginning, I was wrestling with career challenges, performance anxiety, self-doubt, burnout—the whole package. Your compassionate and thorough approach not only helped me tackle these hurdles but also allowed me to sort through layers of identity, as an artist and just as a human. Big thanks for that journey." Cellist, 32 y.o.

“Thank you for creating a safe and nonjudgmental space for exploration that has been a source of comfort and empowerment throughout our sessions.” Singer, 23 y.o.

"I want to convey my sincere thanks for your dedicated commitment, expertise and support.” Composer, 49 y.o.

“Thank you for walking with me during the time I couldn’t play [because of injury]. I needed that support badly. I’ve got my life back on track and am really appreciative of your part in this.” Jazz Pianist, 52 y.o.

“I waited to do this work until I couldn’t avoid it any more. I wish I had started earlier. I really appreciate your support, your patience, and the honest words when they were needed.“ Violinist, 37 y.o.

“Thank you for working with me through my crisis moments when I was culture-shocked and home-sick”. Manager, Expat, 38 y.o.

“We are so grateful for your work with … [a student pianist considering entering a conservatory study program]. We have the feeling that she now has more informed perspective about what challenges she will face in her future career and what skills she needs to face these challenges… Thank you.” Parents of am 17 y.o. pianist

Booking / Prices / Conditions

Please book a free initial consultation (c. 45 Minutes) here:

In Person in TGR The Green Room (Cologne, Germany)


If you choose to continue, psychological counselling and Artistic-Systemic Therapy are priced at 100 € per session (60 minutes). I hold a certain number of spots each week free for those who cannot afford the full price and/or who are experiencing acute difficulties and need to be scheduled quickly. Please speak with me about these options at our initial consultation.

In case of cancellation, please give me 24-hours notice, otherwise I have to charge you for the session.

and here is one more quote….

 "Life is a process of time, and time cannot be fixed. Without learning to know ourselves as intimately as we possibly can, we limit our choice. Life is not very gratifying without freedom of choice. Change is very difficult with no alternatives in sight; we then resign ourselves to not dealing with our difficulties as if they were prescribed by fate."

Moshé Feldenkrais